8:00-8:30 |
Continental breakfast and coffee |
Session 6: OWL and Description Logics, Chair: John Gennari
8:30-9:00 |
OWL Pizzas: Practical Experience of Teaching OWL-DL:
Common Errors And Common Patterns, Alan Rector, Nick Drummond, Matthew
Horridge, Jeremy Rogers, Holger Knublauch, Robert Stevens, Hai Wang,
Chris Wroe (University of Manchester, Stanford University)
Abstract Slides
9:00-9:30 |
Combining SWRL rules and OWL ontologies with Protégé
OWL Plugin, Jess, and Racer, Christine Golbreich and Atsutoshi Imai
(Université Rennes)
Abstract Slides
9:30-10:00 |
Why use a Classifier? When will it help? And when
will it not? Alan Rector (University of Manchester)
Abstract Slides
10:00-10:30 |
Break |
Session 7: Biomedical Ontologies, Chair: Neill Jones |
10:30-10:50 |
Enterprise Vocabulary Development in Protege/OWL:
Workflow and Concept History Requirements, Sherri De Coronado, Gilberto
Fragoso (National Cancer Institute)
Abstract Slides
10:50-11:10 |
Leveraging an Alignment between two Large Ontologies:
FMA and GO, John H. Gennari and Adam Silberfein (University of Washington)
Abstract Slides
11:10-11:30 |
Integrating Ontologies with Three-Dimensional Models
of Anatomy, Daniel L. Rubin, Yasser Bashir, David Grossman, Parvati
Dev, and Mark A. Musen (Stanford University)
Abstract Slides |
11:30-11:50 |
Laboratory Experiment Design: Using Protege Interactively
in a Runtime-extensible Setting, Stephen Meehan, James Tung, David
R. Parks, Wayne A. Moore, Mark Musen, and Leonore A. Herzenberg, (Stanford
Abstract Slides |
11:50-1:00 |
Lunch |
Session 8: Tools II, Chair: Henrik Eriksson |
1:00-1:30 |
Visualization and Protégé, Margaret-Anne
Storey, Robert Lintern, Neil Ernst, David Perrin, (University of Victoria)
Abstract Slides
1:30-2:00 |
Generating a Document-Oriented View of a Protégé
Knowledge Base, Samson W. Tu, Shantha Condamoor, Mark Musen (Stanford
Abstract Slides
2:00-2:30 |
Ontology Management in the PROMPT Plugin, Natasha
Noy (Stanford University)
Abstract Slides |
2:30-3:00 |
Break |
Session 9: Case Studies in Ontology Development, Chair: Alan Rector |
3:00-3:20 |
Experiences in Developing an Intelligent Ground
Vehicle (IGV) Ontology in Protégé, Craig Schlenoff,
Tony Barbera (NIST), Randy Washington (DCS Corporation)
Abstract Slides
3:20-3:40 |
The Planetary Science Ontology: A Case Study in
an Ontology-Based Information Architecture, J. Steven Hughes, Daniel
Crichton (JPL)
Abstract Slides
3:40-4:00 |
Towards Ontological Modelling of Historical Documents,
Vanesa Mirzaee, Lee Iverson, Babak Hamidzadeh (University of British
Abstract Slides
4:00-5:00 |
Session 10: Panel discussion: protege-discussion
Live! |
6:30 |
Conference Banquet: Dinner
Cruise on the Potomac River |