OWL Tutorial
Holger Knublauch, Stanford University
The Web Ontology Language (OWL) has been accepted as the standard for the representation of sharable domain
models. The vision of the Semantic Web is to integrate these ontologies so that autonomous agents can provide
intelligent services.
This tutorial will serve as an introduction to OWL and Protégé's support for OWL and the Semantic
Web in general.
We will cover the following issues:
- OWL and the Semantic Web
- Protégé and the OWL Plugin
- How to define OWL classes and properties
- How to use description logics features of OWL (e.g., classification)
- How to create individuals for Semantic Web contents
- How to customize and extend the OWL Plugin
The tutorial will be hands-on and provide sufficient time for questions on all aspects of OWL and the
Protégé OWL Plugin. Attendees should have Protégé and the OWL Plugin installed if
possible, but we will also pass around installation CDs.
No prior knowledge of OWL or Protégé is required, although reading the Protégé/OWL
tutorial in advance will certainly help following the tutorial. You should bring your laptop if you want to follow
the walk-though.
More information on the Protege OWL Plugin is available at