The Choose Queries Pane

The Choose Queries pane at the  PAL Queries Tab allows you to display, verify, evaluate, view, and create queries.



Queries Buttons

The Queries Buttons in the upper right of the Choose Queries Pane at the PAL Queries Tab allow you to tag and untag queries for verification, display queries at the Queries Tab, and create, view, and delete queries.

Tag All: Tags all displayed queries for verification or evaluation. Tagged queries are shown with a check in the Evaluate? column to the left of the query.
Untag All: Untags all displayed queries for verification or evaluation. Untagged queries are shown with a blank box in the Evaluate? column to the left of the query.
Display All: Displays all queries currently in the knowledge base at the PAL Queries Tab
View Query: Opens the PAL Expression Editor in a separate window, and allows you to view the selected query.
Create Query: Creates a new query and opens the PAL Expression Editor in a separate window. Note that, due to a known bug, the PAL Expression Editor has limited support for creating your queries.
Add Query to List: Opens the Select Instances dialog and allows you choose the querie(s) you wish to have displayed at the Queries Tab.
Remove Query From List: Removes the selected querie(s) from the list of queries visible at the Queries Tab. The querie(s) remain in the knowledge base and are still displayed at the Instances Tab. They can also be added back to the list at the Queries Tab later.  It is best to click the query you wish to remove from the list immediately before you remove it.
Delete Query: Removes selected querie(s) from knowledge base completely. Removed queries cannot be viewed elsewhere or recovered. It may be safest to delete queries from the Instances Tab, where you can see which queries are highlighted.

Query Columns

The query columns give information about the displayed queries.


Indicates which queries are tagged for verification or evaluation. Tagged queries are indicated with a check . You can tag or untag a query by clicking anywhere in the Evaluate area to the left of the query. You can also tag and untag all queries using the Tag All and Untag All buttons.


Indicates the result of verification or evaluation:


Gives the name of the query. You can select a query by clicking in this column; however, selected queries are not highlighted.

Warn/Evaluate Buttons

The buttons at the bottom of the Choose Queries pane allow you to validate query syntax and evaluate whether there are any instances in the knowledge base that violate the tagged queries.

PAL Queries User Interface/The Choose Queries Pane

Next: The Query Attachment Pane

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