Call for Presentations/Posters/Demos
Please note that we have extended the submission deadline to 9:00AM PDT, Wednesday, April 15, 2009
The Protégé Conference is traditionally a forum for users to meet one another and the Protégé team,
and for us to meet you. We discuss common problems and solutions as well as current activities and plans. The
conference is fairly informal and helps the Protégé team set priorities for future development work.
Conference topics include but are not limited to:
- ontology development (frame-based, OWL, and RDF)
- ontologies in semantic web applications
- ontology-driven software development
- ontology repositories
- standard terminologies
- medical applications
- interoperability between different formats
- plug-in development
- ontology tools
- collaboration tools
- visualization tools
- project management
- reasoning and inference
Submission procedure:
We solicit 3 types of contributions:
- Presentation abstracts (3 pages, at least 10-point font)
- Poster descriptions (1 page)
- Demo descriptions (1 page)
Important dates:
Submission deadline: 9:00AM PDT, Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Notification of abstract acceptance: April 20, 2009
Conference: June 23-26, 2009
Submission instructions:
Please send your submissions in PDF or ASCII to