Poster & Demo Session
Monday, July 16th, 4:30-6:00PM
Posters and demos are listed alphabetically by title
- A Protégé Ontology as the Core Component of a BioSense Message Analysis Framework,
Cecil O. Lynch, Craig Cunningham, Eric Schripsema (OntoReason, LLC, US), Tim Morris, Barry Rhodes
(US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, US)
- Building Ontology-Driven, Deployable Systems: An Engineering Perspective,
Robert Dourandish, Nina Zumel (Quimba Software, California, US), Michael Manno
(Air Force Research Laboratory, New York, US)
Abstract (No Show)
- Designing and Building Interconnected Ontologies to Ask: "Where's Waldo"
(and his friends)?, Danielle Forsyth, Roy A. Hall (Thetus Corporation, US), Dawn Morrison
(US Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratory, US)
- Development of a Semantic-Based Searching System in Inoculation Knowledge, Hsingyi-Yi Chu,
Der-Ming Liou (National Yang-Ming University, Taiwan)
- Development of the Hungarian WordNet Ontology and its Application to Information Extraction,
Márton Miháltz (Budapest, Hungary)
- Dietary Ontology for Nutrition Counseling Expert System, Balázs Gaál,
István Vassányi, György Kozmann, Zsuzsanna Szente (University of Pannonia, Hungary),
Erzsébet Mák, István Szabolcs (Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary)
- Extensible Support for Measurement Units, Simon White (Catalysoft Ltd., UK)
- Importing Spreadsheet data into Protégé : Spreadsheet plug-in, Jay (Subbarao) Kola, Alan Rector (The University of Manchester, UK)
- Intelligent Search via Ontology Driven Metadata Analysis, Thomas Mavroudakis, Haralampos Karanikas (Knowledge Management Lab., Greece)
- KR-driven Development Process Integration, Karl-Heinz Krempels, Andriy Panchenko (Aachen University, Germany)
- Ontologies of Cognitive Science using Protégé-OWL, V. Pargade, J.G.
Ganascia (Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France)
- Ontology of studies at university or Developing ontologies with legal documents as
primary knowledge sources, Sandra Lovrencic, Mirko Cubrilo (University of Zagreb, Croatia),
Ivorka Jurenec Tomac (Konzum d.d., Croatia)
- Semantic ProtégéWiki, Holger Lewen York Sure, Markus Zondler, Denny
Vrandecic, Markus Krötzsch (Institut AIFB - Universitaet Karlsruhe, Germany)
- Semantic representation of public health indicators: framework and a proposed solution,
A. Nagy, G. Surján, G. Héja (Budapest, Hungary)
- Simple E-learning Semantic Tool, Marija Cubric (University of Hertfordshire, UK),
Vibha Tripathi (India)
- The FSD Project, a biomedical ontology for improved individual diagnoses and treatment of
Female Sexual Dysfunction, Bo (RPJ) de Lange, Henk-Jan Lebbink (Almere, The Netherlands)
- The IEML language and the universal cartography of ontologies, Pierre Levy, Sylvain
Boucher (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)
- Two Protégé plug-ins for supporting document-based ontology engineering and
ontological annotation at document level, Viktoria Pammer, Peter Scheir, Stefanie Lindstaedt