The PAL Range Editor

The Range editor of the PAL Expression Editor allows you to declare and set the range for each variable in your constraint. The PAL Language offers several ways of defining the range of a variable; these are supported by the Range editor. Declared variables are made available in the pop-up menus for the Statement editor.

Note: The first time you use the PAL Expression Editor in your project, you may need to make sure that the PAL Expression Editor is set up on your constraints. See Configuring the PAL Expression Editor for more information.

The Range editor offers the following functionality:

Range Menu

The Range menu lets you select the type of range you want for your variable. 

Choosing a range type generates the syntax for a range definition, using placeholder names for the arguments of the range defintion. The placeholder names can be replaced by double-clicking and entering a real name, as described below

For set definition (defset), the functionality is currently unimplemented. The editor will generate the syntax, but it cannot actually be used.

For range definitions (defrange), the range editor generates the following syntax:

For example, choosing defrange|FRAME|Without Slot generates the text: 

(defrange varName :FRAME frameName)

where varName and frameName are argument placeholders supplied by the Range editor.

For a list of range types, see Variable Range Definitions.

Double-clicking on a Variable

Double-clicking on a string that has been inserted by the Range editor brings up the entry method appropriate to the string.

The PAL Expression Editor/The Range Editor

Next: The Statement Editor

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