Call for Participation
Workshop on Protégé and Reasoning
Tuesday July 6th, 2004
Bethesda, Maryland
In conjunction with the Seventh International Protégé Conference
Protégé was originally designed as a development tool for ontologies and knowledge bases with the assumption that
the Protégé output was to be used by a separate reasoning engine. Recently, the Protégé community
has developed extensions that allow reasoning engines to integrate with the Protégé environment. Examples of such
integration efforts are JessTab, Algernon, PrologTab and ClipsTab.
This workshop brings together researchers and practitioners with an interest in various aspects of reasoning and problem solving
in the Protégé environment. Topics include, but are not limited to:
- Reasoning engines as plug-ins to Protégé
- The use of Protégé as a component of a reasoning engine or problem solver
- Communication between reasoning engines and Protégé
- Reusable problem-solving methods
- Protégé output formats suitable for external reasoning engines
- Optimized Protégé APIs for efficient reasoning
- Innovative use of the Protégé Java API for reasoning
- Comparisons of different reasoning engines and problem solvers
- Future challenges and the need for further integration efforts
- Developer reports from practical use of reasoning engines in Protégé
The workshop format is a series of presentations followed by a general discussion. If
you wish to make a presentation at the workshop, you should submit a two-page
abstract to the organizer by e-mail no later than June 1, 2004. If you would like to
attend (without giving a presentation), it is sufficient to submit a brief statement of
interest to the organizer by e-mail no later than June 1, 2004.
Important dates:
Deadline for submission of presentation abstracts: June 1, 2004
Deadline for statement of interest: June 1, 2004
Notification of acceptance: June 10, 2004
Workshop: July 6, 2004
Organizer: Henrik Eriksson, Linköping University