Call for Participation

Workshop on Using Protégé in Medical Applications

Tuesday July 6th, 2004
Bethesda, Maryland

In conjunction with the Seventh International Protégé Conference

Protégé was originally developed as a metatool for creating knowledge-acquisition tools in medicine. Since then, its use in medical applications has extended far beyond its original purpose. At the University Of Newcastle Upon Tyne Newcastle England, for example, we have been using Protégé for our decision support development, and had to wrestle with Protégé in terms of both its knowledge modeling capabilities and its role in the life cycle of an application.

This workshop brings together researchers and practitioners with an interest in using Protégé in medical applications. Topics include, but are not limited to: The workshop format is a series of presentations or demonstrations followed by a general discussion. If you wish to make a presentation at the workshop, you should submit a two-page abstract to Neill Jones by e-mail no later than June 1, 2004. If you would like to attend (without giving a presentation), it is sufficient to submit a brief statement of interest to the organizer by e-mail no later than June 1, 2004.

Important dates:
Deadline for submission of presentation abstracts: June 1, 2004
Deadline for statement of interest: June 1, 2004
Notification of acceptance: June 15, 2004
Workshop: July 6, 2004
Neill Jones, University of Newcastle Upon Tyne
Peter Johnson, University of Newcastle Upon Tyne
Samson Tu, Stanford University